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"Celebrating a Birthday with Us:
Your Guide to Sending Warm Wishes"

1. **Payment**:
   Please deposit Rs 2000 to the following bank account:

   Bank Name: [Insert Bank Name]
   Account Name: [Insert Account Name]
   Account Number: [Insert Account Number]
   Branch: [Insert Branch]
   IFSC Code: [Insert IFSC Code]


2. **Form Filling**:
   Fill out the provided form with the required information. The form may include details such as the child's name, age, birthday date, your name, and contact information.


3. **Photo Upload**:
   On the form or through a separate tab, upload 10 photos that you want to include in the birthday greetings message. Ensure the photos are in a format compatible with their requirements (JPEG, PNG, etc.).


4. **Bank Slip Upload**:
   In the form or through a dedicated tab, upload a scan or clear image of the bank slip or transaction receipt as proof of payment. Make sure the details on the slip are clearly visible.


5. **Submission**:
   After completing all the required steps, submit the form with the uploaded photos and bank slip.


6. **Confirmation**:
   Wait for a confirmation message or call from A plus Kids TV regarding the telecast time and additional details. They will likely use the contact information you provided in the form.

Please ensure that you provide accurate and complete information to facilitate the process. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to A plus Kids TV for further assistance.

Birthday Surprise
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